Board Approves Property Tax Levy
Board Approves Property Tax Levy
The Upper Republican NRD Board on Sept. 13 approved a property tax levy that is the same as last year, $0.55 per $100 of valuation. Since property valuations have slightly risen, imposing the same mill levy will generate $53,462 more than last year. The original proposal would have increased the tax by approximately $236,000.
The board is comprised of farmers and people in the agricultural industry who are well aware of and understand how high the property tax burden is on residents in relation to lower income due to depressed commodity prices. The board felt that it was in the best interest of their districts to cut the proposed tax asking due to these current conditions.
With a 2.6% increase in the tax asking this year, the average annual increase in the NRD’s property tax request this year and the last two years will be 0.86%.
The mill levy will generate $2,108,812 for the NRD next year compared to the $2,055,350 generated by the same mill levy this year.