Tree Sales
Tree Sales

Each spring the URNRD offers a variety of trees and shrubs for sale. Trees are available in late winter. Bare-root trees and shrubs are available for $1.15 a piece. Species that are sold vary year-to-year; following are examples of species commonly sold:
Conifers: Austrian Pine, Colorado Blue Spruce, Eastern Red Cedar-Anselmo, Ponderosa Pine, Rocky Mountain Juniper, Southwestern White Pine
Broadleaf: Amur Maple, Black Walnut, Bur Oak, Cottonwood (hybrids), Cottonwood (native), Hackberry, Honeylocust, Silver Maple
Shrubs: American Plum, Buffalo Berry, Caragana, Chokecherry, Cotoneaster, Edlerberry, Golden Currant, Lilac, Redoshier Dogwood, Sand Cherry, Serviceberry, Sumac
Year-round, the District also sells weed barrier, weed barrier staples, and small colored marking flags that can be used for a variety of purposes
Weed Barrier: 75 cents per linear foot; $167 per 6' x 750' roll
Staples: 25 cents per staple; $110 per box
Flags: 8 cents per flag; $8.40 per bundle of 100